Monday, November 15, 2010

Mad Max Viking?

Drawn on the bus and penned in 10 minutes. Considering that, I'm immensely proud of this one.


Tiger said...

Very nice! You should just ride the bus all day one day and see what kind of drawings you can create.

Brandon said...

I approve sir, and I also agree with Anton's comment. Keep up the work man, I'm glad to see you're back into drawing again, I missed your random character drawings.

jMacFarlane said...

I'm not sure I understand his tiny batting helmet, but I'm sure interested in how he uses a sword with a bizarre handle like that. It's like his vikingness is so great, that common items, like swords, simply get too distracted to maintain their natural shape.
Also, I once drew a picture in the back seat of my van on the highway, at night, by the moonlight, and it came out not too bad, either. I think there's a secret there you've discovered. Anton's right: draw more while being transported hither and thither.